Caulfeild, West Vancouver, British Columbia Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 95% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas renters make up the remainder. In this part of the municipality, the vast majority of dwellings are single detached homes, and the remainder are mainly townhouses. Around 30% of properties in this neighbourhood were built between 1980 and 1990, while most of the remaining buildings were constructed pre-1960 and in the 1960s. This part of West Vancouver offers mainly three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Caulfeild real estate
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Courtesy of: Behroyan & Associates Real Estate Services
Courtesy of: Behroyan & Associates Real Estate Services
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Courtesy of: Angell, Hasman & Associates Realty Ltd.
Courtesy of: Angell, Hasman & Associates (Malcolm Hasman) Realty Ltd.
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Courtesy of: Angell, Hasman & Associates (The Angell Group) Realty Ltd.
Courtesy of: Angell, Hasman & Associates (Malcolm Hasman) Realty Ltd.
Courtesy of: Angell, Hasman & Associates (Malcolm Hasman) Realty Ltd., Angell, Hasman & Associates Realty Ltd.
Courtesy of: Sotheby's International Realty Canada
Courtesy of: Angell, Hasman & Associates Realty Ltd.
Cars are a great transportation option in Caulfeild. It is very convenient to come across a parking spot, and many homes for sale are a rather short car ride from the closest highway, such as Trans-Canada Highway. However, the public transit service in Caulfeild is not very frequent. Nonetheless, house owners benefit from a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far away from most residences. This part of West Vancouver is not very convenient for walking because many daily needs are very difficult to carry out on foot. Cycling is also very hard in Caulfeild since riding is rendered strenuous by the typically sloping topography, and Caulfeild is home to a quite bad bicycling infrastructure.
Accessing the nearest supermarket by walking is possible for some, but not all, property owners in Caulfeild. There are also a few opportunities for those who care about close by restaurants and cafes. When it comes to education, it is a reasonably short walk to reach primary schools from most properties for sale in Caulfeild. However, parents and their kids may find it difficult to get to high schools as a pedestrian.
People who prefer a relaxed environment will enjoy Caulfeild. This area is quiet, as the streets are tranquil - although that is not the case close to Trans-Canada Highway or the railway line. Finally, there are around 30 parks nearby for residents to enjoy and they are very well-distributed, making them easy to reach.